Join the project selection committee!

Thanks for being interested in joining the committee. The central task of the project selection committee is, of course, selecting projects; but more broadly, it’s a way to get involved in the overall Fix Planet Club organisation.

All our important documents are public on GitHub.



You don’t need to be an expert to join this group. The essential conditions are:

  1. You (roughly1) agree with our operating principles and core mission,
  2. You bring a perspective, set of personal experiences, local knowledge and expertise that isn’t already well-covered by our existing committee members. We value diversity, and are working hard to ensure this is represented in our committee make-up,
  3. You are interested in, and like to critically rethink, the role that technology has in relation with the climate (and associated) crises.


Next steps

If you’d like to join, please reach out to us at, or on slack, and we’ll be in touch for a chat!

Other ways of participating

Note that it is certainly not necessary to join the project selection committee to otherwise have a say on how we operate. Our slack is open to all and we invite your particiation, as is our governing documents on GitHub. If you’re curious to see how we operate, then following along on either of these platforms is the best way to get an understanding.

  1. We don’t need you to agree 100%; in fact, it’s probably useful if you bring some alternative perspectives and challenge our thinking.↩︎